Monday, February 20, 2012

I'm not a runner...

So my birthday is coming up. In 6 days. I'll be 33. Age doesn't bother me. I'm thankful for every day I get. Lots of people didn't have the opportunity to celebrate their 33rd year so I am all for it.

I'll be doing something else that day that lots of other people can't say they have done...I'll be running a half marathon. What?! I know, I'm not a runner---but apparently I am.

As you all know, my husband picked up this sport a couple years ago and I honestly didn't think it would last this long. But he fell in love. I mean he LOVES it! We ran a race together a couple summers ago...I can't say I enjoyed it---I enjoyed being with him, of course. But not the race.

Somehow, last November he talked me into signing up for the Princess Half Marathon at Disney. A couple friends and my sister in law were signing up, too. None of us are really "runners". This is our first big race. Have I mentioned that its in 6 days?!

So I started training...Hubs found me some cool apps for my phone. I have a GPS that tells me how far I've gone, my pace, and calories burned. And I've got a very nice man that tells me when to walk and when to run. See I can't run a mile without stopping...I use Jeff Galloway's run/walk/run method. Its a miracle. I honestly can't believe I have stuck with this training. You see, I'm not competitive. I could care less who wins. But suddenly I care whether or not I finish this race. I mean, last weekend, I ran 9 miles in the cold. yuck. This weekend, instead of taking a nap or cleaning or staring off into space, I ran 10 miles. Who am I?!

I'm hardcore. I'm a rock star. I am strong. I do hard things. I am a runner. This is what my coach tells me. He tells me I'm cute, too. and that he's proud. He's my hubby. and I couldn't do this without him.

As I was running my 10 miles last weekend (there is a lot of time to think when you do that) I was surprised by the emotional roller coaster I went on. I was excited, mad, exhausted, thankful, happy, sad...crazy. I'm not gonna lie. There were tears. Happy and sad along the way. But I didn't stop. What kept this girl going? This girl that doesn't care a lick about competition or winning? Of course, God (there is a lot of time to pray when you run, too) and I always feel my dad with me when I'm out there. I also hear all the things all my fabulous friends and family have said about my doing this. I feel supported.

This particular run I was run down...pun intended. I was at mile 8 and I was tired. I started to think about all the hard things I've done in my life. I went off to college where I knew no one, I got on a plane to England to live for 3 months, I did natural labor and childbirth---twice, I started my own business knowing NOTHING!, I stood next to my brother at his wedding after, only hours before, we had suffered a miscarriage, I stood up and gave the eulogy at my dad's funeral...hard stuff. Definitely not the hardest things on earth but hard...

As I am about to turn 33 I am reminded that my best friend has been with me all along this path. God brought us together when I was only 19. Thankfully, we have celebrated many more seasons than we have suffered through...but we have been together. He is my biggest cheerleader and supporter and the one to give me the nurturing to bloom or the kick in the pants to get moving. I am so thankful that he has pushed me along this path. I have a feeling that running a half marathon will be added to my list of hard things. But having that list "run" through my head brought up other words, as well. I am strong. I am doing this.

He has helped bring that confidence out in me...he also encourages me to dance randomly which is never a bad thing...

And no matter what happens on Sunday...whether I finish this race or not. I know he will be proud. 13.1 miles is honestly nothing to him...he does that on a Saturday. But he always puts me out front to shine... Thank you for being who you are and bringing out my better me! I can honestly say that I am so excited for the race on Sunday...and yes, you were right. I'm hooked!


Jenny Ward McDonald said...

Running changed my point of view on so many things, because of exactly what you wrote. It made me realize I can do things I never imagined. I was the kid picked last for every sport event my middle school PE class ever held. Yet, somehow in my thirties I managed to run a faster mile than I did in eighth grade. If I can run 13.1 miles (and I can!), what else can I do? It blows the possibilities wide open.

You'll be brilliant. I'll be thinking of you, and can't wait to hear about it afterward.

J. Harwell said...

I'm proud of you. Happy almost birthday.

Love you, Jana

grace graffiti said...

A running blog that made me tear up? Stop the madness.

You're just plain awesome.