Thursday, May 10, 2012

no muss, no fuss

I went to the movies by myself the other night...This is only the 2nd time in my life that I've done this.  I wanted to see "The Hunger Games" and everyone had already seen it.  So I was was lovely.

If you know me, you know I'm early to everything.  Most of the time.  I hate walking into a full I like to be early.  Especially for movies.  I love the previews.  Well, there was a preview that night for a movie coming this summer.  Its about Dads and kids and pregnancy and fatherhood.  I knew I wasn't going to like it because right off the bat they were making the men look totally incompetent with the children.  I hate that.  Not all men are idiots and bad fathers...if all you saw was sit-coms and movies---that is what you would assume...ggrrrr...OK.  Fine.  So I knew I wouldn't be spending my money on this "comedy".  No big deal.  Then it happened...

The men were talking about child birth and how "horrible" it was (another pet-peeve of mine!!!)  One of the dads says, "yeah, he's adopted.  Thats the way to go.  No muss, no fuss."

Huh??  REALLY?????

This is "no muss, no fuss"???  Much cussing is happening in my head right now just thinking about it...

I've been pregnant.  3 times.  and, yes, I'm that rare breed that has really easy pregnancies.  And I've given birth---WITH NO DRUGS.

This is harder....This is a crazy roller coaster.  We've only been approved by the state for 2 months.  We worked towards that for a year and we've talked about it for 12 years...long road.

It really peeves me that society uses adoption as an insult or a joke or "the easy way".  It couldn't be further from the truth and I feel for all the couples that don't have a choice.  If they want a family, they have to adopt.  We are so very lucky to have 2 biological children.  But we have chosen this road.

A few times this week I've wanted to throw in the towel...this is surely a test in patience but, unfortunately it has also come to light that some of the people we have to deal with in this process aren't the most forthcoming where the truth is involved...I was ready to throw up my hands---I mean, if I'm going to be perfectly honest, if I want another baby I can just have one, right?
then I found this...
 This is what we were meant to do...I know I seem to harp on this point but really I'm writing this more for me than anyone---no really for anyone who is going to start this journey or who is on this same road---it gets hard.  I bet its going to get even harder.  But this is what we were meant to do.  Adoption isn't what society has taught us.  Its not the "easy way" nor should it be the last resort.
We are all adopted.

Needless to say, I will not be seeing that stupid movie.  Its called "What to Expect When You're Expecting" if you would like to boycott it along with me.  Sheesh.  Some things just get me going...I feel better now.  Thanks for listening... :)

1 comment:

Tara Peddicord said...

wow. YES. good post my friend, good post.