Sunday, August 12, 2012

family: one shot

I love the Olympics...really a lot.  I stay up way too late learning about and cheering for people that I will never meet.  I'm so proud of their hard work and determination.  As someone who would categorize myself as a lazy procrastinator, I'm super impressed...

My husband is very competitive and he loves to run so his favorite parts are the actual race times and seeing what unbelievable physical abilities are shown. My favorite parts and the thing that keeps me up for just "a few more minutes" are the stories.  How the athletes got there.  What they come from.  Who supports them.  I. love. it.

Last night we were watching the diving competition.  I cringed every time they jumped because of the "ohmygosharetheygoingtohitthierhead?!" thing...of course.  Everyone does.  Then they started talking about this guy.  David Boudia----he would go on to win the gold.  They didn't do a 2 minute story on him or anything just a little blurb they said about him that caught me...

"He is very close with his family and has always felt their support." or something like that.  He has a family.

When his scores came up and he had won, they showed him hugging his mom and her face was pressed up against his and she was crying...I don't know what she said but it got tears came, too.  I'm sure part of it was that I was feeling a teeny bit of what she was feeling as a mom.

But most of what I was feeling was sadness...for all the kids that don't know what that feels like.  My family is so weaved into my every day life, and always has been, that I literally cannot imagine a day without them...I have known my whole life that NO MATTER WHAT I would be loved and supported...  not all kids know that feeling.  Some will eventually.  Most kids in foster care will not.

I've been reading a lot lately about "older" children in foster care...the chances of getting adopted after age 7 drops dramatically each year.  These are kids that will age out of the system and never know what family is...

Every kid should know what it feels like to hug their family and feel their pride and support and love. 

every. kid.  My heart is breaking for those that don't know that feeling. And that there aren't more people that feel the same.

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